40 Days of Discipline

40 Days of Discipline: Day 22 – Review


Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. (Psalm 34:3)


Today is dedicated to reviewing what we have learned over the past five days. This week we focused on the Disciplines of Worship and Fellowship.  It is quite interesting to be considering these Disciplines while the world deals with Covid-19.  The human tragedy related to this pandemic should certainly be our primary focus, but I can’t help but notice that the virus is causing Christians to reconsider how corporate Worship and Fellowship are practiced.  This presents an opportunity for us to really get to the heart of these Disciplines.  This should make your review even more exciting!


Many useful suggestions were made by commentators during the week.  As you perform your review, if you come up with more suggestions for applying the Disciplines of Worship and Fellowship in ways that will positively impact a world in need, please share them.



2 thoughts on “40 Days of Discipline: Day 22 – Review

  1. Before I reread all. I am actually excited that God has given us this rest. He said he would cause many hardships. Pestilence being one. So now to read and review.

  2. For now I agree .
    First time saw my neighbour outside with his sons fishing with his wife.
    People are much more calm.
    I think everybody needed a holiday in America.
    Time for Reflection and Appreciation for the Life we have .
    Time to real use We are not in Control.
    He is.

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